2024 CSE Call for Board Nominations |
The Board of Directors of the Council of Science Editors invites CSE members to submit nominations for potential candidates to serve on the CSE Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee will consider all submissions and prepare a slate of candidates based on the information that you provide and other candidate recruitment activities. The nominating Committee is chaired by the immediate Past President, Jennifer Deyton.
The board is composed of the president of CSE (who serves as chair of the board), past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary (who serves as secretary of the board), treasurer, treasurer-elect, 3 at-large directors (1 elected each year for a 3-year term), and an appointed nonvoting executive director. The editors of Science Editor and the CSE Web site serve as nonvoting, ex-officio members. Officers and directors are elected by the membership and take office during the business meeting at the CSE Annual Meeting following their election.
In 2024, the CSE membership will elect one Vice President, one Treasurer-Elect, and one Director.
The board is composed of the president of CSE (who serves as chair of the board), past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary (who serves as secretary of the board), treasurer, treasurer-elect, 3 at-large directors (1 elected each year for a 3-year term), and an appointed nonvoting executive director. The editors of Science Editor and the CSE Web site serve as nonvoting, ex-officio members. Officers and directors are elected by the membership and take office during the business meeting at the CSE Annual Meeting following their election.
In 2024, the CSE membership will elect one Vice President, one Treasurer-Elect, and one Director.
Vice President
The vice president is elected to a one-year term. The vice president automatically succeeds to the office of president-elect after serving as vice president for one year. The chief functions of this officer are to become familiar with all CSE activities to prepare for the offices of president-elect and president and, if necessary, to act in place of the president-elect in the event or in those instances where the president-elect is unable to fulfill their responsibilities.
The vice president is elected to a one-year term. The vice president automatically succeeds to the office of president-elect after serving as vice president for one year. The chief functions of this officer are to become familiar with all CSE activities to prepare for the offices of president-elect and president and, if necessary, to act in place of the president-elect in the event or in those instances where the president-elect is unable to fulfill their responsibilities.