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Please let us know the challenges you are experiencing.

SOJOURN has always responded when there's been a gap and a need rather than creating what we think is important. We continue to use our mission, "Affirming and empowering LGBTQ+ people across the South" and our vision of "Building Communities inspired by Jewish and universal values" as guideposts for what we can/should do.
We would like to hear from you, the people we serve and our supporters, about what are your greatest concerns at this time of uncertainty, economic downturn, and health crisis.

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* 1. Name (Optional -it will help us reach back out to you)

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* 2. Age (optional - helps us understand who we are reaching)

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* 3. Email (optional - we can reach you this way)

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* 4. Home Zip Code (Helps us understand where we reach)

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* 5. What is your religious/spiritual/faith affiliation? (optional!)

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* 6. Employment Status

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* 7. What is your biggest concern during the crisis?

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* 8. Using SOJOURN's mission & as a guide, "To Affirm & Empower LGBTQ+ People Across the South by Building Inclusive Communities" how do you think we can support the community during this crisis?

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* 9. Our goal is to be a resource to LGBTQ+ people across the South. Do you have resources that we can share?

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