We appreciate your feedback!

Please make sure you complete each survey in FULL. All responses are anonymous.

Please be sure to click "DONE" when you are finished. The survey will automatically be sent and you will be redirected to the start of a new survey. 

Please complete a new, separate survey evaluation for each course module/instructor. 

If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, please advise TICP Administration by email to info@ticp.on.ca or call 416-288-8060.

Thank you for your assistance - your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate which TICP Instructor /Course you are evaluating:

Question Title

* 2. Please evaluate the seminar/instructor you have indicated above by using the following rating system:

  Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A
Usefulness of clinical material
Clinical applications of material
Usefulness of discussion
Encouragement / Facilitation of candidate participation
Comparative / Integrative Focus

Question Title

* 3. If you have any additional comments about this instructor, or suggestions about the curriculum, please feel free to indicate them below: