Question Title

* 1. Please help us understand your music-related activities by checking all of the roles that best apply to you.

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* 2. On average, how many hours a week do you engage in music-related activities? Please check one.

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* 3. What proportion of your income do you earn from music-related activities? 

Question Title

* 4. With which of the following genre(s) do you primarily identify?  Please check one.

Question Title

* 5. With which of the following genre(s) do you also identify?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. One a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being your most significant challenge, please rank the challenges you experience in your music-related activities.

Question Title

* 7. Please note any other challenges you experience in your music-related activities.

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* 8. Do you have trouble finding or gaining access to performance space?

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* 9. If yes, why do you have trouble finding or gaining access to performance space?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 10. In what type or types of spaces have you practiced, recorded and performed in the last year?

  Practiced Recorded Performed
At a home/private residence
Rehearsal/recording studio (out of home)
Bars/live music venues
Theaters (traditional performing arts facilities)
Classroom/educational facility
Other public space (such as a park, coffee shop, or community center)
Temporary or non-traditional space (such as a vacant storefront or church)
At my place of employment

Question Title

* 11. Please name the specific spaces where you have practiced, recorded and performed in the last year.

Question Title

* 12. How much do you typically pay per hour for the following types of space?

Question Title

* 13. If available and affordable, would you be interested in renting any of the following spaces in or around Boston on the following basis?

  Practice Space Recording Space Performance Space Office/admin Space
No interest/not applicable

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* 14. Assuming the rents are ‘affordable,’ how many hours per month might you use these spaces?

Question Title

* 15. When it comes to using performing space, are the following features not important, important or very important to you?

  Not important Important Very important
Acoustics appropriate for unamplified performance
Flat floor/standing room
Available seating in some portion of the venue
Elevated stage
All ages access
Bar/alcoholic beverages
Separate but adjacent space for audience that is not as loud
Designated area for merchandise sales
Easy loading access
TIcket pricing on a sliding scale (For example, concertgoers can pay what they can between $5 and $15)
Performer guarantees

Question Title

* 16. If you were to use new and affordable performance space, what time would you like for your shows to start and end?  Note:  This question refers to what time the performance itself should begin and end, NOT the times you would require venue access.

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* 17. Please provide the ZIP code for your place of residence.

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* 18. In what year were you born?

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* 19. Please indicate your gender identity.

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* 20. Please indicate the ethnicity or ethnicities with which you identify.

*Indigenous person: A person who is a descendant of people who inhabited a geographical region at the time when people of different cultures or ethnic origins arrived. Other terms may include tribes, first peoples/nations, aboriginals, or ethnic groups.
**Person of Latin American descent: A person whose parentage can be traced back to any of the countries in the Americas south of the United States, including Mexico, South America, Central America, and parts of the Caribbean.

Question Title

* 21. You chose 'my ethnic identity is not listed here.'  You may write the ethnicity with which you identify below.