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Tihe mauri ora!
Kei ngā taitai huanga o Te Arawa waka,
Ko tēnei te reo o Te Tatau o Te Arawa e mihi ake nei,
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa.
Last year, Rotorua elected a new Mayor and Councillors, and Te Arawa elected its new Te Tatau o Te Arawa Board to work in partnership with the Council for the 2022 – 2025 triennium. 
It is timely that the partnership between Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council – reflected in the Partnership Agreement (Agreement) signed in December 2015 – is reviewed to reflect the changes in leadership and to ensure Te Tatau stays effective and continues to meet its mandated purpose and objectives.
The changes we are seeking have been developed based on feedback from a hui with our people held at Te Ao Mārama on 29 November. Followed by a working party identifying the themes that emerged from that hui to form any recommended changes which are supported by the Te Tatau Board.
Before entering negotiations with Council on the Partnership Agreement Review, we want to ensure we are on the right track by seeking your support and endorsement.
Along with ensuring that each clause of the Agreement is still relevant and that better engagement with Te Arawa whānui is prioritised, the following themes emerged:
Governance – input to decision-making:
  • Te Tatau representatives appointed to Council committees / panels
  • A Te Arawa 2050 Vision committee established to provide oversight alignment with Council priorities and the Te Arawa 2050 Vision
Operational – elements to enhance Te Arawa engagement with Council:
  • Enable engagement by Te Tatau with Te Arawa on agreed kaupapa nui of Council
  • Reestablish a public-facing Te Arawa Partnership role
  • Building on Te Tatau and Council executive relationship

      Based on the themes mentioned above, we request our people’s support and endorsement by responding to the following survey before 5pm on Friday, 10th of February.

      Ngā mihi tino nui.

      Question Title

      * 1. Do you support or endorse our recommendations?

      Question Title

      * 2. If you have any additional comments to add to these recommendations please comment below.

      Question Title

      * 3. If you do support or endorse our recommendation please advise of the hapū, iwi and land trusts you represent that we could include as supporting.

      Question Title

      * 4. Contact details

      If you need more information prior to completing the survey, please email Jude Pani at
      0 of 4 answered
