Mentee Application Form

Please respond to the questions below in detail so we can find you a mentor suited to your personality and interests.

When matching mentees with mentors, we consider many different factors. You may be matched with a mentor working in a specific career field you’ve identified. Or your mentor may be someone who’s not working in the exact field you’re interested in but has relevant experience to help you prepare for your professional future.

Note: Completing this form does NOT guarantee you a place in the program. Depending on demand and the availability of alumni, we may not be able to match all applicants with a mentor. Priority will be given to students who present compelling reasons for wanting to participate in the program and demonstrate a mature, professional attitude.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Gender:

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* 3. Mount Allison e-mail address:

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* 4. Cell phone number:

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* 5. What is the best way to reach you? (Keep in mind that we may need to reach you when classes are not in session.)

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* 6. Do you expect to graduate in 2019?

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* 7. Your current major and minor/honours discipline

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* 8. How would you describe your current career plans?

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* 9. What career(s) are you interested in? If you're not sure, which general kinds of work do you think you might like to learn more about?

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* 10. How do you feel about your career plans?

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* 11. Following are four sentence-starters. Complete two of them.

1. I would like to participate in the Alumni Career Mentorship program so that...
2. I am motivated and inspired by people who...
3. Ideally, my mentor would...
4. The number one thing that would help me along my career path would be...

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* 12. If you could choose anyone in the world (dead or alive) to be your mentor, whom would you choose? Why?

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* 13. Create a short professional introduction (150 to 200 words) to share with a potential mentor. Describe your personality, your life goals, your thoughts about your career (even if those are undeveloped), and what you'd like to learn through the mentorship program.

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* 14. To activate your application form, we need your consent to the following terms of the Alumni Career Mentorship Program.

If you are matched with a mentor, then you must commit to the following:

1. To participate fully in a group mentee training session in September.
2. To reach out to my mentor within one week of the training session.
3. To talk with my mentor at least once a month for the duration of the program (from September to the end of March), taking initiative to schedule the meetings as necessary.
4. To be punctual and prepared for those talks.
5. To immediately reach out to Dawn Henwood for help if I’m having trouble arranging meetings or if I have any other concerns whatsoever about the mentorship relationship.
6. To keep personal mentor information and information about the mentor’s organization as confidential.
7. To submit three thoughtful written reflections on my mentorship experience.
8. To attend an in-person group meeting with other mentees.