We Want To Hear From YOU!

1.Are you aware that Charleston Carriage Horse Advocates is a local non-profit and its mission is to educate and advocate for more humane living and working conditions of the horses and mules that are forced to work on the streets of Charleston?
2.Carriage horses and mules in Charleston work in the harshest, most extreme conditions in the U.S. Carriage horses and mules (usually just one animal per wagon) pull wagonloads of up to 17 adults every tour. That’s approximately 2 ½ TONS per hour.
Do you believe this is humane?
3.Temperature is recorded atop a 4-story hotel. Not where the horses work. The City allows operators to keep these animals on the blistering asphalt until the temperature atop that hotel reaches 95 degrees…not once but FOUR times before the animals are allowed to be brought out of the heat and sun.
Do you believe this is humane?
4.Charleston Carriage Horse Advocates put forward a comprehensive Carriage Safety Ordinance this year. Over 120 carriage-related incidents have been officially reported since 2016, several of them included children jumping or falling out of wagons. One horse’s life was tragically ended after he suffered fatal injuries after running away frightened with a half-hitched wagon. Our proposed Carriage Safety Ordinance would have protected children, adults, horses and mules. It was shot down and replaced by a carriage industry-friendly sham of a Safety Ordinance. Do you believe there should be a real Carriage Safety Ordinance that protects children, adults, horses and mules?
5.Do you believe the Tourism Commission (the majority of members of whom have financial interests in the Tourism Industry) and City Council acted responsibly by tossing a Comprehensive Safety Ordinance and passing an industry-friendly Carriage Safety Ordinance?
6.Charleston Carriage Horse Advocates educates and advocates for the humane treatment of carriage horses and mules through social media, Facebook Ads, billboards, bumper stickers, handbills and rallies. We sponsor booths at public events to educate the public. All of this costs money. We have no staff.

Please answer the below questions to help us understand your thoughts on our expenditures.

Do you agree that advocacy includes public awareness through billboards, Ads, social media etc?
7.Would you like to see a more robust advertising campaign that might include local cable TV ads?
8.Would you be willing to financially support a more robust advertising campaign?
9.Are you confident that we spend your donations wisely on giving voice to the plight of carriage horses and mules in Charleston?
10.Would you like to see more information on how money is spent?
Current Progress,
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