About the Survey

Thank you for participating in the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (ACCI) 2024 National Trade Survey.

The survey is for goods and services businesses, importers, exporters, businesses involved with international trade in any other way, and businesses that don't trade. It is your opportunity to increase the competitiveness of Australian businesses in the global market by strengthening ACCI's ability to advocate on trade issues that matter to you.

This year’s survey is being conducted in partnership with the Australian Centre for International Trade and Investment (ACITI). ACITI will access the raw data and conduct data analysis. Your response will be strictly confidential and will only be presented in the aggregate.

We know your time is precious and you are surveyed often - but having real world information on the issues that matter to your business is vital if you want to move the dial on Australia's international trade policies and programs.

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete and will close on 1 August 2024.

Enter your email address at the end of the survey to go into the draw for a chance to win a $250 visa gift card.
6% of survey complete.