About this survey

Research means finding out about something. Research can be done in lots of ways. For example:

  • Reading books and academic papers
  • Interviewing people
  • Meetings and workshops

Research questions
Research starts with a question.
Then we look for the answer to the question.

This survey is asking for your ideas for research questions about addiction.

Question Title

* Who should fill in this survey?

If you are one of the types of people we list below, and you are age 16 or over, please fill in this survey.

Please tick the boxes that apply to you. This will help us to check that we are hearing from all kinds of different types of people.


Addiction means having a strong need to drink alcohol or take drugs. There are other types of addiction too.

We want to find out about addictions that people might get help with:

  • Legal drugs
  • Illegal drugs
  • Alcohol
We are not going to be looking at:
  • Smoking
  • Gambling or gaming
  • Preventing addiction

Things we want to find out:
  • What research needs to be done
  • Which questions we should be asking when we do research

Please fill in this survey and send it back to us by 8th October 2024