Homeless Veteran Food Insecurity: Service Provider 

Thank you for taking the time to answer this brief questionnaire as part of my practicum for the University of South Carolina Public Health Program.

Please answer the following 10 questions as accurately as possible. If you have any related comments, please include them in box 11.

By completing this survey, you agree to the publication and analysis of all survey responses. Names will not be used in the report. Interviews will use first name only.

If you have any questions, would like to set up an interview, or would like a copy of the final results, please email: HVFI2015@gmail.com

Thank You.
Brenna Bernardin

Question Title

* 1. Where do you work? (City, State)

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* 2. For what type of program do you work? 

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* 3. How many homeless veterans does your program typically help in 12 months?

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* 4. What percentage of your homeless veteran population do you believe lives in food insecurity? 
For this survey, Food Insecurity will be defined as: "the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food." -USDA 

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* 5. Does your program provide meals at your location?

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* 6. If you answered "Yes" to question 5, please select all that apply below:

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* 7. What sources do you use to obtain food for homeless veterans? 

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* 8. Do you provide homeless veterans with information regarding availability/affordability of food in the area? (I.E. information on local food banks, directions to grocery stores, where to get hot meals, etc.?)

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* 9. How often have you heard comments similar to the the following?

  Never Somewhat Often Often Frequently 
I do not know where my next meal will come from
I am hungry.
I have not eaten in _ day(s). 
I cannot afford food. 

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* 10. Is your location close to a grocery store? 

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* 11. Do you have any comments you would like to add about Homeless Veteran Food Insecurity?