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Information about the study

The 'Posttraumatic Growth and Sensitivity Study' aims at investigating the role of environmental sensitivity as a personality trait in the propensity for experiencing posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress symptoms following traumatic events. The study is conducted by psychologists from University of Nicosia, Cyprus. All adults aged above 18 years who have experienced at least one potentially traumatic event and are able to complete the survey in English are eligible to participate.

Study participation involves completing an online survey, lasting between 10-20 minutes, depending on your answers. The survey will ask you to complete a set of questionnaires about your sensitivity, trauma history and posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress symptoms following trauma. In addition, you will also be asked to provide some demographic information, such as your age, gender and nationality.

If you choose to volunteer to participate, there will be no monetary compensation. Study participation is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without any negative consequences.

If you have any questions about the study at any time, please contact Maria Jernslett per email on, Dr Xenia Hadjicharalambous on or Dr Ioannis Syros on

This study has been approved by the Social Sciences Ethics Review Board of the University (SSERB 00173). If you have any ethical concerns around the nature of the study, please contact Dr Mark Sullman on 
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