Consultation: The Healthy Child Programme
The current contract to provide the Healthy Child Programme is due to end in early 2025 and the council has decided now is the time to redesign the service and explore where improvements can be made.
The council is consulting with families and professionals across Westmorland and Furness to share the changes we would like to see and give you a chance to have your say on how the services are delivered in the future.
What is the Healthy Child Programme?Our model is based on the
National Healthy Child Programme Guidance (2023)The Healthy Child Programme (HCP) offers every family a programme of interventions, including screening tests, immunisations, developmental reviews, and information and guidance to support parents, children, and young people to grow, develop and thrive.
The Healthy Child Programme is for all, building healthy communities for families and children, reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities. It includes a range of activity from universal services for all through to intensive support.
The Healthy Child Programme needs the support and contribution from a range of delivery partners such as Early Help Services, midwifery services and the community and voluntary sector to ensure there is clear, seamless offer of support for children and families.
The funding for Healthy Child Programme is part of The Public Health Grant which is set annually by central government.
Why do we want to change how we deliver the Healthy Child programme in Westmorland and Furness? The 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (HCP) contract with our current external provider ends in March 2025.
There are significant challenges with the consistency of current delivery across the footprint and the capacity to meet the varying levels of need across the 0-19 age range.
Our research (including our recent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)) has shown the changing and diverse needs within our communities.
The end of the current contract gives us the opportunity to think differently about how we deliver our services – it’s flexibility, accessibility, and responsiveness. We want to use all methods of delivery including digital and outreach - building on our community assets.
We want our new Healthy Child Programme to make the best use of our budget by prioritising the areas for delivery which we’ve identified through our data and engagement with children, young people, families, and partners.
We have some excellent relationships with partners and integrated ways of working across the three ‘districts’, which we want to develop and embed across the whole Westmorland and Furness Council area.
We are committed to Trauma Informed Practice and embedding this across the HCP.
We want our new contract will have clear outcomes, which will demonstrate the impact and difference for children and families.
Download more detailed information on our proposals (will open in a new window).