Help us design the most useful site for families who want to move! -

If you have every tried to move a family to the next street, town or state, you know what a monumental task it can be to organize and prepare for the event. So many questions arise. We’ve found it can be confusing for families to wade through endless checklists and different websites reviewing movers. So many more questions and topics come up. What are the tax implications of a move? How do you find a new job in a new market? What about schools? will answer all of these questions and more. We also will have real-life profiles of parents who have moved their families successfully. And probably a few horror stories as well.

Please take a moment to fill out this survey and share with us your moving story (pun intended!). It should only take a few minutes. Your answers will help ease the stress of moving for other families. Your personal information will NOT be sold to third parties. Seriously. 

Thank you in advance!

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* 1. If married, how often have you moved since your engagement?

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* 2. If you have children, how often have you moved since you became a parent?

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* 3. Are you or your spouse/partner an active or retired member of the military?

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* 4. How did you research your last move? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What websites did you use to find information about moving? (check all the apply)

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* 6. Were you satisfied with the level of information you found?

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* 7. For your most recent move, did you set a budget for moving?

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* 8. For your most recent move, did your employer or your spouse/partner's employer pay for relocation?

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* 9. Before your most recent move, if you set a budget, what was it?

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* 10. After your most recent move, what is your estimate for the actual costs you incurred?

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* 11. Thinking of your last move, did you move yourself or did you have a mover?

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* 12. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your most recent moving experience

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* 13. Would you recommend your mover to family and friends?

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* 14. Did you have to make special accommodations to move any pets?

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* 15. What is the one word you would use to describe moving?

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* 16. What advice would you have for parents or couples who are planning a move?

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* 17. Do you have a moving horror story? If so, what was it and how did you resolve it?

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* 18. What was the year of your last move?

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* 19. What is your age range?

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* 20. How many children did you have living at home for your most recent move?

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* 21. In which state do you currently reside?

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* 22. What is your gender?

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* 23. Would you be interested in sharing your story on We would just need you to fill out a 5-question profile and send in a photo.

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* 24. Would you like to receive periodic updates from