PEMA AGM 2024 - Member's Post Event Feedback Survey

1.Did you attend all of the Meeting events? (Welcome Drink, Factory Tour, Tech Meetings, AGM & Speakers, both Evening Dinners) If no, please give reason why.(Required.)
2.When did you finalise your travel arrangements?(Required.)
3.Did you like the structure of the Factory Tour? (Smaller groups departing at different intervals with an opportunity to have some free time in the morning)(Required.)
4.Did you like the structure of the Technical Committee Meetings? (Individual committee updates, paper status, call for volunteers)(Required.)
5.Did you enjoy the Guest Speakers? (Please comment on the topics covered, length of presentation, opportunity for questions)(Required.)
6.Did you find the event a good networking opportunity overall?(Required.)
7.What are your highlights or elements you enjoyed most about the event?(Required.)
8.What recommendations do you have for future PEMA events?(Required.)
9.Any other comments please include here.