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Spotsylvania Volunteer Fire Department
Candidate Application
Please fill out the application in its entirety. Once complete, a member of our recruitment staff will contact you in regards to next steps. We thank you for your interest.
Privacy & Certification Notice: By filling out the form herein, you authorize the Spotsylvania Volunteer Fire Department, & its subsidiaries or related governmental entities to obtain, investigate, or further acquire information in regards to pursuing membership into the department. Furthermore, while all efforts are made to ensure confidentiality of all records submitted, you hereby acknowledge and release the department and its subsidiaries as custodian of such records from any and all liability of damages due to this voluntary release of information.
You understand that the use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and grounds for immediate termination. The use of alcohol or misuse of prescription drugs prior to or during duty is a serious violation punishable up to and including termination. I understand that I may be subject to random drug testing at any time. Your signature, represented by completing the form and clicking "submit" authorizes drug screening, investigative reports, criminal history and driving record checks, reference checks, and physical examination if required.
By submitting this document, you hereby certify that all of the information submitted is your own, is truthful to the best of your knowledge and ability, and is subject to the above referenced data regulations and release. It is then understood that any false information or omission may disqualify you from the process and may additionally result in immediate discharge if discovered at a later date.