Healthy Savannah/Chatham County Community Survey 2025 English Español Healthy Savannah wants to partner with you to improve health and wellness throughout Savannah and Chatham County. Your voice is important, the survey takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Question Title * 1. Which of the Healthy Savannah activities or partners have you heard about or used? (mark all that apply) Fresh Express (YMCA and partners) Farm Truck 912 Forsyth Farmers' Market Food is Medicine (fruit and vegetable incentive/prescription programs) Savannah Chatham Food Policy Council SNAP enrollments with StepUp Savannah or Forsyth Farmers Market Breastfeeding education and awareness Tide to Town Urban Trail System Safe Streets for All Vision Zero Bike Walk Savannah (free/low cost bike services) Tuesday Healthy Walks African-American Health Information Resource Center database COVID and Adult Immunization Education WIC (Women, Infant & Children) Parent University HPV Education Question Title * 2. How would you like to learn more about healthy living, health services, and policies? Church bulletins Community Events Community newsletters Direct mail Healthy Savannah email newsletters Newspaper Printed flyers Radio Social media Text messages from agencies or organizations Word of mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Which two do you MOST often go to when you are sick? My personal doctor Emergency Room Urgent Care Curtis V Cooper Clinic JC Lewis Clinic St Mary's Clinic Good Samaritan Clinic Chatham County Health Department Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Which of the adult vaccinations/immunizations have you received? (Mark all that apply) 2024 COVID vaccine COVID-19 (before September 2023) Annual Flu Vaccination Shingles/Chicken Pox HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Pneumonia TDAP (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis/whooping cough) Why or why not? 25% of survey complete. Next