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LORHN Virtual Workshop Interest Form
We're excited that you're interested in participating in one of our health education workshops. We have moved the format to be 100% online to provide information in a safe environment due to COVID-19. We are regularly collecting responses and will contact you once we have reached a minimum number (8) to begin a workshop:
"Your Health Matters" Health Literacy Workshop Learn how to navigate the healthcare system, use your insurance, talk with your healthcare providers, and access local resources available. Other topics include understanding and safeguarding medications, healthy eating, and staying healthy via exercise and self-care. The workshop is broken into 3 1-hour sessions.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) This course is for individuals living with any chronic illness, e.g. heart disease, asthma, COPD, emphysema, cancer, anxiety, depression, and other conditions. Weekly meetings provide a space for individuals and family members to gather for support and learn techniques to self-manage and take control of their health and health conditions. We will meet for 2.5 hours once a week for six weeks (your health is worth it!).
Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) This course provides the same supportive environment as the CDSMP workshop, with an emphasis on Type 2 Diabetes and their family and friends that support them. Weekly meetings provide a supportive space to learn about Diabetes and how to manage the condition. Key themes are monitoring, healthy eating, reading labels, and exercise. We will meet for 2.5 hours once a week for six weeks (your health is worth it!).