AU ECOSOCC Stakeholders survey


ECOSOCC has solicited the services of Ms. Claire Mathonsi from the Advocacy Accelerator to develop a Toolkit on how to conduct advocacy.  This toolkit will provide a repository of practical tools and resources to help in advocating for the AU Agenda 2063 but also increased participation and attention to the work of ECOSOCC amongst all its stakeholders.
As part of this process, we would like to get an understanding of your advocacy work and views on what would be most useful in the resource being developed to best meet your needs.
Please complete this anonymous survey which should take between –10 - 15 minutes.
Thank you
1.Your name (Optional)
2.The organization you represent (Optional)
3.How long has your organization been in existence?(Required.)
4.How long have you been personally doing advocacy?(Required.)
5.How long has your organization been involved in advocacy?(Required.)
6.Please select the region where your organization is based(Required.)
7.Is your organization a member of ECOSOCC?(Required.)
8.If yes, how long has your organization been a member?
9.Which sector best describes your organization's activity (please tick all that apply)?(Required.)
10.At what level does your organization do its advocacy work? (tick all that apply)(Required.)
11.If Regional level, which blocks does your organization do advocacy in (select all that are applicable)(Required.)
12.What type of advocacy does your organisation do? (at any levels and select all that apply)(Required.)
13.Currently, what resources (manuals, capacity building, online videos, working in consortiums) are you using to assist you to engage in your advocacy work?(Required.)
14.What did you find useful about these resources?(Required.)
15.What other resources would support you to do your advocacy work at a regional and AU level?(Required.)
16.If you have not engaged at an AU level, what prevents you from doing so?(Required.)
17.Based on your experience what topics would you like the toolkit to cover to assist you in your advocacy and to engagement with the AU? (tick the ones that are relevant for you)(Required.)
18.How would you like to receive and/or access the toolkit (tick all that apply)?(Required.)
19.What medium of communication would work best for you in a virtual training? (Please check all that apply)(Required.)
20.What challenges if any would you have in terms of engaging and participating in an online or virtual training?(Required.)
21.How would you rate internet connectivity in your geographical location?(Required.)
22.What other support would you like to get from ECOSOCC to assist with your advocacy efforts?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered