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* 1. Is the content of artsUNITE useful to you?

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* 2. We are still building out the content of artsUNITE to showcase a diverse collection of resources.
With that in mind: What kind of content would you like to see?

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* 3. Do the categories of content make sense to you?
(funding, work, service, knowledge, support, facilities)

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* 4. Who would you like to see content from? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Is artsUNITE intuitive to navigate?

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* 6. Please select all the sections artsUNITE that are effective in terms of use and execution:

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* 7. Regarding the colours, logos, and general visual layout of artsUNITE:

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* 8. Was anything on artsUNITE unclear?

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* 9. Was any essential part of artsUNITE missing?

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* 10. Did any aspect of artsUNITE make you feel ignored?

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* 11. Was artsUNITE accessible to you?

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* 12. What is one thing you learned in navigating artsUNITE today?

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* 13. What is one thing you loved that we shouldn’t change?

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* 14. What is one thing that stood out for you, good or bad?

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* 15. What was your first, gut feeling, when seeing artsUNITE?

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* 16. Did you access artsUNITE via mobile or computer?

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* 17. Would you recommend artsUNITE? Why or why not, to who, and how would you share it (i.e. email, Facebook, etc.)?

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* 18. If you’d like to share your name, we’d love to reach out later to ask clarifying questions (optional)

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* 19. If you’d like to contribute content to artsUNITE, feel free to share your name here, or slack our content manager Claire Leighton if you’d prefer your survey answers to remain anonymous. (optional)

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* 20. If you were to compare this website to a dessert, which would you choose and why? (optional)

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* 21. Any further comments?