Sefton Local Medical Committee - 24/25 Contract Dispute , options for action survey

Please complete this survey- your response will be confidential : the answers will be used to derive a general picture of the options most supported by Practices.

1.Use the BMA safe working guidance to limit daily patient consultations to the UEMO recommended safe max of 25 patients per clinician per day. ( BMA strongly advise that these are offered as F2F consultations. Divert patients to local urgent care settings once the daily max has been reached
2.Stop engaging with the e- referral Advice & Guidance pathway ( unless it is a timely and clinically helpful process for you in your professional role)
3.Stop supporting the system at the expense of our business and staff ( service notice on any voluntary services currently undertaken which plug commissioning gaps)
4.Stop rationing referrals, investigations and admissions (refer, investigate or admit your patient for Specialist care when it is appropriate to do so. Refer via ERS, but outside 2ww, write a professional letter where this is preferable. It is not contractual to use local referral forms/proformas. - use BMA sample wording/ templates for you letters.)
5.Practices should defer signing declarations of completion for 'better digital telephony' and 'simpler online requests ' until further GPC England Guidance guidance in early 2025 ( Better digital Telephony- Practices that have not declared or received monies ned not agree to share call volume metrics beyond Oct 24: "simpler on line requests - practices that have not declared , agreed to Shar e data as part of the Online Consultation Systems in General Practice publication nor received moneys, may continue to switch off their online triage tool during core hours when they have received max capacity
6.Switch off GP Connect functionality which permits the entry of coding into the GP clinical record by third party party providers. Withdraw permission for data sharing agreements which exclusively use data for secondary purposes ( ie clinical care)
7.Withdraw permission for data sharing agreements which exclusively use data for secondary purposes ( ie not direct patient care)
8.Freeze sign up to any new data sharing agreements or local system sharing platforms
9.Switch off Medicines Optimisation Software embedded by the ICB for purposes of system financial savings and /or rationing. ( rather than the clinical benefit of your patient.