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1. Welcome

The Harris-Stowe State University Psychology Research Program is inviting you to participate in a research study.

Participation is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate, you can always change your mind and withdraw. There are no negative consequences, whatever you decide. If you complete the survey, it should take about 30 minutes of your time.

The goal of the study is to gain a greater understanding of how people interpret cat emotions. There is no financial cost for participating in this survey.

If you choose to participate in this survey, you MUST be 18 years of age or older and live in the United States.

All of your responses are anonymous. Online data is always at risk of being hacked or intercepted. This is a risk you experience any time you provide information online. We’re using a secure system to collect this data, but we can’t completely eliminate this risk. There is a chance your data could be seen by someone who shouldn’t have access to it. We’re minimizing this risk by not collecting your name or contact information.

A large number of participants (about 800) are needed in order to observe patterns. Your data will be reported as group patterns and not as individual responses. The Psychology Research Program at Harris-Stowe State University will collect, analyze, and report collected data. The data will be stored at Harris-Stowe State University for up to two years. The Institutional Review Board at Harris-Stowe State University may review all study data to ensure we’re following laws and ethical guidelines.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Villarreal Associate Professor of Psychology at
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