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This survey is being conducted by the Victorian Parents Council (VPC). VPC is seeking the view of parents who are registered homeschoolers on aspects of homeschool during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Victorian Parents Council Privacy Policy can be viewed here

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* 2. Please indicate the year group/grade equivalent your child/children are undertaking via homeschooling

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* 3. What year did you commence home schooling?

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* 4. Do you intend to continue with homeschooling your child/children for the full years of school education?

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* 5. Why did you choose homeschooling for your child/children? Check all that are applicable

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* 6. As a registered homeschooler how would you describe the support you receive from the Department of Education?

Insufficient Excellent

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* 7. Do you receive support from other homeschooling parents and networks?

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* 8. Do you belong to any homeschool networks?

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* 9. Please tell us which homeschool networks you belong to.

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* 10. Since the pandemic was declared, has your homeschooling routine changed?

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* 11. With your preschool-aged child/children, how much time do you devote to formal homeschool learning activities?

less than 1 hour more than 5 hours

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* 12. With your primary school-aged child/children, how much time do you devote to formal homeschool learning activities?

less than 1 hour more than 5 hours

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* 13. With your secondary school-aged child/children, how much time do you devote to formal homeschool learning activities?

less than 1 hour more than 5 hours

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* 14. What kind of support would you like to see for homeschooling families at this time?

The following questions are about wellbeing. please use the slide in the scale to indicate the wellbeing for each question.

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* 15. Parents, how would you scale your wellbeing at this time?

My wellbeing is suffering at this time My wellbeing is strong and I know what to do maintain it

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* 16. Parents, how would you scale your child's/children's wellbeing at this time?

Their wellbeing is suffering at this time Their wellbeing is strong and we know what to do maintain it

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* 17. Parents, how would you scale your household's overall wellbeing at this time?

The household's wellbeing is suffering at this time The household's wellbeing is strong and we know what to do maintain it

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* 18. Do you have specific wellbeing concerns for yourself, your children and your family?

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* 19. What are the biggest gains for your children, you and the family from homeschooling?

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* 20. May we contact you again to see how homeschooling is progressing during the COVD-19 pandemic?

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* 21. To say thank you for completing our survey we would like to offer you a "Friends of VPC" Membership valued at $25AUD for 2020. To take advantage of this offer please complete the contact details and we will contact you with the details.

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