SmartFAM Experience - Williamsburg Virginia Application

1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
4.Job Title(Required.)
6.Zip Code(Required.)
7.Mobile Phone(Required.)
8.Which best describes you?
9.Company/Department Description: 3-4 sentences that describe your company, industry, products, and services, clients, or similar information. 100-word limit.(Required.)
10.Professional organizations that you are a member of (select all that apply.)
11.Your gross annual meeting budget?(Required.)
12.In what US Region do you primarily plan events? (select all that apply)(Required.)
13.What international region(s) do you primarily plan events in? Please select a current or future location.(Required.)
14.Number of meetings planned annually?(Required.)
15.What type of meetings do you primarily plan annually?(Required.)
16.Maximum budgeted guest room rate (per night)(Required.)
17.Average peak room nights?(Required.)
18.Types of hotels/venues at which you primarily plan meetings?(Required.)
19.Do you have an active RFP(s) to source at this event?(Required.)
20.What is your role in the site selection process?(Required.)
21.Please provide the names of two of your clients (i.e., Jane Doe, Smart Meetings). If you are not a 3rd Party Planner, please enter NIA. Information is for application qualification purchases only and will be kept private. Contacts will not be published.(Required.)
22.Tell us the last meeting you planned - date, name of hotel, city, and state:(Required.)
23.How often do you use a third party to source your meeting venues?(Required.)
24.What is the primary business of your organization?(Required.)
25.As a meeting professional, what are your main interests as they relate to planning?(Required.)
26.Do you use the services of a CVB(Required.)
27.Number of years as a meeting professional(Required.)
28.How did you hear about this Smart Meeting Event?(Required.)