HSITAG Family Feud

Industry partners, please help us populate our 'survey says' phrases and terms for our HSITAG Family Feud (October 6 at 1pm ET)!!  
TELL IT LIKE IT IS! This survey is not scientific and answers are all anonymous! 
1.What is the most important role in a successful project team?
2.What is the leading cause for a project to go south?
3.What is the best way to utilize an SME on a project?
4.For a project to be successful, what % of time should be dedicated to Planning?
5.For a project to be successful, what % of time should be dedicated to Execution?
6.Who do you think is the most often forgotten stakeholder?
7.When during a project should you involve federal partners?
8.What is the key to an effective county administered state project?
9.What is the most important role for a legislator to play in a project?
10.How can AI be used to support your case workers and supervisors?
11.How can technology help in client engagement?
12.What does mobile mean to you?
13.What is the most promising new technology for HHS?
14.What is the most overused technology term used today?
15.What's the most impactful technology innovation in our lifetimes?
16.Which person has had the greatest impact on technology in our lifetime?
17.What is the best way you can increase the probability of user buy-in?
18.Name the most effective OCM activity?
19.Name the best way to onboard new staff on technology once implementation is over?
20.What is the most common complaint from a user of a new system?
21.Who invented the Internet?
22.In what year will a person walk on Mars?
23.Name the most northern state in the contiguous (Lower 48) United States.
24.Which state has the most letters in its official name?