Exit 2025 Granton Information Centre Accessibility Survey Client Feedback Survey : Accessibility In order to ensure high standards of accessibility and customer care for our clients, we would be grateful if you could take the time to complete this short survey. Your feedback will help us to develop as a service. Thank you. Question Title * 1. How accessible did you find our premises? Excellent Very good Good Adequate Poor Question Title * 2. Are our opening hours suitable for your needs? Yes No (if no, we would appreciate if you could give further details in the comments section) Don't know / Unsure Question Title * 3. Were you happy with the method of delivery of advice? (e.g. face-to-face/telephone/online) Yes No (if no, we would appreciate if you could give further details in the comments section) Don't know / Unsure Question Title * 4. Please offer more detail, or provide any other feedback about our accessibility. Done