Getting Involved at St Boniface and St Lawrence Parishes Please fill out the survey below with any areas you may be interested in and we will reach out to you with more information on how you can take an active part in our Parish. Question Title * 1. Are you Interested in learning more about being an active member of our church? Yes No Question Title * 2. Are interested in learning how you can take part in the following areas during Mass? Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Server Music Ministry Hospitality - Greeter - Usher Children's Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.) Question Title * 3. Are you interested in learning how you can take part in other church roles? Teaching, Substituting or Assisting with PREP Catholic Education Helping at Parish fundraisers Helping with Buildings and Grounds Helping with Cleaning the Church Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Would you like to volunteer your time and talents in other ways: NO YES (please specify) Question Title * 5. When are you available? Mornings Afternoons Evenings Weekends Weekdays Fall/Winter Spring/Summer Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. How would you like us to contact you? Phone Text Email Question Title * 7. Name Question Title * 8. Phone Question Title * 9. Email Done