Working Conditions for Food Delivery Workers 送餐工人的工作条件

Have your voice heard – complete this survey and let us know how the Australian-Chinese food delivery industry is treating you!
This survey is conducted by the Transport Workers Union (TWU), a non-governmental body which fights for the interests of workers. All information collected is confidential and not shared with anyone outside the TWU. The TWU is formed by workers and exists only to serve the interests of workers.  


Question Title

* 1. How long have you worked as a food delivery worker in Australia? 你在澳洲从事送餐行业的时间?

0 Months 月 24+
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Which companies do you work for (you can choose more than one)? 你工作的公司名字 (多选)?

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* 3. What vehicle do you use to complete your deliveries? 您使用哪种车辆来完成交货?

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* 4. Have you or anyone you know been hurt or injured while working as a food delivery worker? 你自己或你认识的人是否曾在工作中受伤?

Question Title

* 5. Many riders and drivers are at high risk of contracting coronavirus. Has the company you work for taken any of the following measures to protect you? 很多送餐员在新冠疫情期间面对较高的感染风险。你的公司有采取以下的保护措施吗?

Question Title

* 6. On average, how many hours a week do you spend working as a delivery worker? 你一周平均在送餐行业工作多少小时?

0 Hours per week 每周几小时 80
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. On average, how much money do you earn per week for this work?  你平均一个礼拜从这份工作中赚多少钱?

0 Average Weekly Earnings 平均每周收入 $2000+
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. How long do you expect to stay in Australia? 预计在澳洲停留的时间?

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* 9. How much do you expect to earn per hour working in Australia? 你期望在澳大利亚每个小时赚多少钱?

0 Expected Hourly Wage 预期小时工资 $50+
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 10. What are your key issues as a delivery workers? What would you like to see changed or improved for delivery workers?  作为送餐员你面对哪些难题?你最想看到这些难题获得如何的解决和改变?

Question Title

* 11. Delivery workers are often vulnerable because of their insecure visa situation. The TWU helps support visa holder workers by providing the leading immigration advice and legal service to members. Would you like to access this service? 送餐员常常因为其签证而陷入困难境地。交通工会TWU可以通过免费的专业法律服务和免费移民中介帮助拿签证的会员。你有兴趣接受这样的服务吗?

Question Title

* 12. Trade unions can help support workers both at work and in their personal lives. What are your biggest needs or issues outside of work at the moment? 工会正在帮助工作者解决生活困难。你在工作之外,最需要什么样的帮助?

Question Title

* 13. Workers have stood together with the TWU for over 100 years to improve their working conditions and fight for justice. Will you do the same and join the TWU as a full financial member? 工人们已经与TWU并肩作战超过一百年,成功争取工作环境的改善。你愿意一样参与并成为TWU的付费会员吗?

Question Title

* 14. Are you willing to volunteer in the campaign to improve rights for food delivery workers? 你愿意承担工会的志愿者工作,以此提高送餐工作者的整体劳动待遇吗?

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* 15. Contact Details 联系方式