BACKGROUND: The Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) grant program supports high-performing partnerships across Oregon for up to three biennia as they implement landscape-scale restoration and conservation actions in board-identified ecological priorities. Information on the existing OWEB Board FIP Ecological Priorities can be found on OWEB’s webpage and includes a technical memo, habitat map, and theory of change diagram for each priority: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board : Focused Investment Partnerships (FIPs) : Grant Programs : State of Oregon

The FIP program administrative rules require that these ecological priorities are approved by the OWEB Board at least every 5 years. The last time they were approved was in 2020. Your participation in this survey will help OWEB staff and Board determine whether to make any changes to the current ecological priorities and whether any existing technical memos, maps, or theories of change need to be revised.

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* 1. After reviewing the existing OWEB Board FIP Ecological Priorities, select all you would recommend to the OWEB Board to keep:

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* 2. Are there any ecological priorities you would retire? If yes, list and briefly describe.

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* 3. Are there any ecological priorities you would combine? If yes, list and briefly describe.

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* 4. Are there any ecological priorities that you would revise? If yes, list and briefly describe (e.g. changes to the priority memo, map, or theory of change – review these materials here: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board : Focused Investment Partnerships (FIPs) : Grant Programs : State of Oregon)

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* 5. Are there new ecological priorities you propose to be added? If you respond yes, you will be directed to answer follow-up questions on the “Next” page. If you respond “No” you will answer the survey’s final questions on the “Next” page.