Central Park United Neighbors (CPUN) Education Survey

CPUN is the registered neighborhood organization (RNO) for Central Park (CP). The role of an RNO is to advocate and collaborate with the City of Denver on issues within our area and work on finding results. The CPUN Education Committee focuses on education related initiatives and issues affecting CP residents. The purpose of this survey is help our committee prioritize our efforts for the 2024-2025 school year.

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* 1. Please rank the topics below in order of importance (with 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest) as you would like to see our committee focus on in the 2024-2025 school year

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* 2. What is your family’s primary mode of transportation to/from school?

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* 3. What measures should be taken to ensure safe routes to school? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the transportation options available to students to travel to and from school?

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* 5. Per DPS policy, High School students are not offered any district busing options. About 10% of the students come in from outside of CP school boundaries. Would you support a advocating DPS to provide a direct "express" bus route for students coming from Green Valley Ranch Area and Park Hill areas to make access to DSST/NHS more equitable for these students?

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* 6. DPS Middle and High School students are given free RTD bus passes. RTD has limited the bus routes in these areas and this causes students to have to walk much farther from busy intersections. NHS closest stop is on 46th and Central Park Blvd and many of the students ride over 40 minutes each way. Would you support CPUN working with RTD to increase and adjusting the current routes nearest to these schools?

Question Title

* 7. Parking at Sandoval Campus (DSST/Northfield shared campus) is insufficient for the size of these schools. The surrounding neighborhoods are at capacity with over flow parking from students and faculty. Which of these would you support to help alleviate and reduce the amount of cars and traffic in this area? (rank in order of importance with 1 being the most of important, and 5 being the least important)

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* 8. How can CPUN facilitate partnerships with local businesses to benefit schools?

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* 9. How can CPUN best support our schools? (Please rank in order of importance)

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* 10. Do you/your child(ren) feel safe at school and school events?

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* 11. What is your primary school safety concern?

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* 12. What would you like the CPUN Education Committee to advocate for in our community with DPS? (Please choose 3 )

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* 13. Please specify who is filling out the survey today?

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* 14. Please feel free to add any additional comments that would help CPUN Education Committee gain insight from the community on what we could help with in the 2024-2025 year?