Equity through access; opening doors so all may learn
BLENNZ Mission
Our mission is to provide a quality education for ākonga who are blind, deafblind, or have low vision, in partnership with parents, whānau and community, so that they reach their potential for growth, independence, participation and success within their communities.
The following beliefs underpin the BLENNZ approach to inclusive teaching and learning:
- Parents and whānau are the prime educators in their child's learning
- Māori have the right to education success as Māori
- Education is focused on the learning within the context of whānau, community and culture
- Learning occurs through active engagement in meaningful environments
- Learners have unique needs requiring specialist learning and teaching approaches
- Learners have the right to equitable access to education
- Learners have a right to belong and to realise their potential as participating and contributing members of society
- Team collaboration promotes positive outcomes for learners