In our efforts to be one of the best staffing firms in Kentucky, your input on your recent placement is very important to us and to me personally. Your feedback on your experience with People Plus would be greatly appreciated. You and your thoughts are very important to us! Thank you for your time and information.

Amanda Huddleston, CSP
Vice President

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your local People Plus office on a scale of excellent to poor on your experience with:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A
Interview/Registration Process
Job Opportunities
Orientation Process
Payroll (paycheck, direct deposit, etc)
Courtesy of People Plus staff
Communication from People Plus staff

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the job/client site for your assignment:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
I received specific on-the-job training
They provide a comfortable work environment
They provided me a safe work environment & safety training
I felt comfortable to ask a question of my supervisor
People Plus provided me with the necessary client information

Question Title

* 4. Would you recommend People Plus to people that are looking for a job?

Question Title

* 5. Your success is of utmost importance to us. We would truly appreciate any comments, feedback, praise or suggestions for improvement to help us to continue to be an employer of choice!  If you would like to mention someone specifically, please do! 

Question Title

* 6. You may remain anonymous or we'd love to know who you are! 

Thank you for taking time to take our satisfaction survey!