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As Australia's workplace health and safety professional body, we want to understand how prepared businesses are to protect workers and the effectiveness of current practices to prevent transmission of COVID-19. 

While we want to hear from health and safety professionals, we also want the input of anyone who is playing a role in managing the risks in a workplace setting.

While we have a particular interest in higher risk environments such as aged care, health services and disability services, we're also gathering information in other industries. 

So, it doesn't matter which position or sector you are in, we want your input on the current approach to worker safety during the pandemic. 

The survey is completely confidential and individual responses will not be identified.

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your job function?

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* 2. What industry are you working in?

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* 3. Does your organisation have a formal COVID-19 plan in place to manage risks and implement controls such as physical distancing, segregation of workers in common areas?

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* 4. Has your organisation put in place higher-order controls to prevent COVID-19 transmission?

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* 5. How well do you think your organisation is managing the risk of the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace on a scale of 1-5?

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* 6. What role does work/occupational health and safety have in your organisation?

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* 7. How active has your state or territory health and safety Regulator been during COVID-19?

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* 8. How active was your state or territory Regulator in the last 12 months prior to COVID-19?

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* 9. Have workers been consulted on the control measures to protect them (such as PPE requirements) from COVID-19?

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* 10. Are workers provided with N95/P2 respiratory protection for COVID-19 or other respiratory hazards in the workplace if requested?

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* 11. If workers are supplied with N95/P2 respiratory protection (for any reason e.g. COVID-19, asbestos, silica dust etc), are they fit-tested?

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* 12. Is there an issue with the supply of any PPE for your organisation at present?

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* 13. Have you had challenges with obtaining N95/P2 respiratory protection due to fake/non-compliant products in the market?

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* 14. Could more be done to prevent a range of exposure risks for others in the workplace e.g. support staff? If so, why isn’t it being done?

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* 15. Do you believe Workplace Design could be a contributing factor to the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace?

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* 16. Do you believe your organisation is doing everything it should to protect workers from COVID-19?

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* 17. What further information or support do you need from the AIHS to help you manage COVID-19 as a workplace issue?

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