
Canadian Lawyer invites you to participate in its annual Top Personal Injury Boutiques survey. We're looking for your advice on the best firms specializing in personal injury law.

As always, your responses are completely confidential, and are used only in the aggregate for us to judiciously determine which of the contenders is worthy of this distinction.

The survey results are not determinative of the final list. Our editorial team will make the final selections after drawing on the experience of in-house counsel and other lawyers who refer work to these boutiques.

Please rank at least five firms. If you rank fewer than five firms, your votes will not be counted.

If you would like to nominate a firm, please email Peter Murphy at To qualify, firms must have a majority of their revenue from personal injury work and have at least two lawyers practising exclusively in this area. They must also visibly market themselves as a personal injury specialized firm.

The Top Personal Injury Boutiques report, proudly sponsored by Carol Bierbrier & Associates, will be published on the website in May.

Voting is open until February 14.

Thanks for taking part!