The City of Chandler is conducting a preliminary design study of the McQueen Rd. corridor from Warner Rd. to Pecos Rd. The goal of the study is to provide alternatives and recommendations to improve McQueen Rd. to the city’s major arterial standards, as detailed in the 2019 Transportation Master Plan.

We want to understand how you would like to see the corridor and project area improved. Your feedback is vital in helping the project management team develop and refine alternatives that reflect your and Chandler’s vision.

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* 1. Are you a resident living along the project corridor? If yes, which area do you live?

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* 2. When driving, walking and/or biking through the corridor, what is your destination? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Which modes of transportation do you use throughout the project corridor? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. How safe do you currently feel while driving through the McQueen Rd. corridor and intersections?

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* 5. How safe do you currently feel while biking, walking, or running through the McQueen Rd. corridor and intersections?

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* 6. When biking, walking, or running along the corridor, which would you prefer?

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* 7. What concerns you the most about the existing corridor? (Select up to 4)

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* 8. Please explain your concerns from above in more detail.

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* 9. Thinking of future improvements in the corridor, please priority rank the following: (1=top priority, 4=lowest priority)

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* 10. Is there any additional information related to the McQueen Rd. corridor you would like to include?