1. Informed Consent Form

The title of this research is “Pastors’ Personal and Pastoral Care For Women Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence.”

I am Connie Beverly Austin, a doctoral student under the supervision of Dr. Pamela Sitton in the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University.
The purpose of this study is to explore how pastors describe the personal and pastoral care they offer to women who have experienced domestic violence.

Key Information: This document defines the terms and conditions for consent to participate in this research study.

How do I know if I can be in this study?
You can participate in this study if you are a pastor or have previously served as a pastor. Live in the Great Plains Region states as Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona of the United States. Have been recruited from the link on the PastorCare page or through a director or representative of PastorCare. Counseled at least one woman in domestic violence. Answer demographic questions concerning gender, race, number of years as a pastor, and whether you are active or retired.

You cannot participate in this study if you: You are not a pastor and have not previously served as a pastor. You have not counseled any woman who has experienced domestic violence. Refuse to be recorded.
Research Activities: What am I being asked to do?
Go to https://www.pastorcare.org / and click on the banner “Pastor We Need Your Expertise” link on the first page. The link will lead you to the researcher’s site where you will
1. Sign the Informed Consent (Online).
2. Complete a demographic survey concerning your gender, race, and whether you are retired or active, the actual number of years that you have served as a pastor.
3. Leave contact information. ( Please replace your name with the identifier assigned to you during the interviews.
4. Complete the questionnaire.
5. When? The online questionnaire will begin today and continue until December 31, 2024, @11:59PM Arizona time.
6. Where?- The demographic and study questionnaire will be completed online.
7. How? The demographic data and the study questionnaire will be collected using a secure research platform called SurveyMonkey.
8. If participants do not have access to the online site, then the questionnaire can be emailed to you. You cannot participate if you did not participate in the semi-structured interviews of this same study.
· You will use the same code name that was used in the interviews that was given to protect your identity.
All answers will be confidential.