Benvinguda al projecte Erasmus Plus KA2 ‘Community Catalyst for Transformative Economies’!

Si ets aquí, vol dir que formes part d’una iniciativa o d’una organització que treballa o desitja treballar en el camp de les economies transformadores.

Actualment estem vivint les devastadores conseqüències d’un model econòmic extractiu global. El canvi és inevitable. Hem de tornar a imaginar i crear espais per alternatives emergents que puguin respondre a aquests reptes.

Aquest formulari serveix com a una avaluació basada en la comunitat d’iniciatives actives al territori que donaran suport al desenvolupament del projecte Community Catalyst i a la difusió dels seus resultats.

En introduir-vos els temes, preparem el terreny per a una conversa per aprofundir en els processos transformadors dels quals formem part.

Segons la vostra disponibilitat i temps, podeu decidir omplir el formulari de forma individual o organitzar un moment col·lectiu amb les persones amb qui col·laboreu.

El projecte també preveu formació i esdeveniments, us mantindrem al dia.

Gràcies per unir-vos a Community Catalyst!

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* Nom de la iniciativa:

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* Email

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* Quants membres sou a la iniciativa?

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* Quantes persones de la teva iniciativa esteu omplint aquest formulari?

Transformative economies, is a unifying concept of those proposals for socio-economic transformation that point to the same horizon of inclusive and diverse economies. There are four movements of movements that, hybridizing with each other and with other proposals, are the heart of the virtuous circle of transforming economies:

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), with fair trade and ethical finance, built on the foundations of cooperativism and the construction of social markets, hybridizing the traditional social economy with new practices of self-organization and democratization of the economy in all links to the business cycle, providing goods and services for the satisfaction of needs rather than profit.

The economy based on the Commons or Procommunes, with its three major subfamilies: urban commons, natural commons and digital commons. Common, as a third way in the way of managing resources and producing value, based on community management, breaking the state-market duality as the only visible and legitimate spaces for the production, management and allocation of resources of the economic system.

Feminist Economies, to move markets and capital out of the center of socio-economic organization and place in life and all the processes that make it possible in a sustainable way, with special importance of the economy of care and key role of women and feminized values ​​within this process.

Agroecology and the movement for Food Sovereignty, with its key role in rethinking the agri-food model as a basic piece for sustaining life, which is also rethinking our relationship with the Earth and natural cycles, and that, therefore, connects its struggle with all the struggles for the defense of the land, led by social ecology and movements such as Degrowth.