Feedback on the forWater AGM 2021 - Attendee AGM 2021 feedback Question Title * 1. Please enter your email (this is to track participation in the survey only) Question Title * 2. Which sessions did you attend? Please select all that apply I attended all of the sessions on Day 1 & Day 2 Day 1: Welcome session Day 1: Research presentations (Theme 3, 2, 4 & Boreal Shield) Day 1: Student poster session Day 1: Student discussion session Day 2: Welcome & Awards Day 2: Research presentations (Pacific Maritime, Montane Cordillera, Boreal Plains, Atlantic Maritime) Day 2: Closing discussion hosted by Monica Emelko I did not attend any sessions, but plan on viewing the recorded presentations Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What did you find valuable at the AGM this year? Select all that apply. Connecting with others in the Network Hearing about research findings Interacting online Discussing research Building skills (students) Collaborating & identifying areas for further research Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How would you rate your overall experience at the AGM this year? Select your top choice. 5 - Excellent, I found the entire AGM valuable and engaging 4 - Above average 3 - Average, I found the AGM met my expectations 2 - Below average 1 - Not appropriate, I found the AGM below my expectations Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Please provide feedback on the AGM's format. Please click all that apply. There were too many presentations The presentations were too long The presentations were too short Q&A's were too short There weren't enough breaks There were too many breaks 2 days in a row is too long, an alternative of hosting 1 day per week over 2 weeks would be better Great format, no adjustments needed Specific feedback or other comments Question Title * 6. Which sessions would you recommend for next year? Select all that apply. Student research presentations with Q&A (pre-recorded or poster in-person) All researchers presenting research findings Only theme leaders presenting, there were too many this year Awards presentation Open discussion to close the AGM to help identify collaboration opportunities Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Please rate your experience using the virtual event platform (Whova). 5 - Excellent: Great features and functionality, easy to use and navigate 4 - Above average 3 - Average: Good features, somewhat easy to navigate, somewhat confusing 2 - Below average 1 - Unacceptable: Frustrating to work with, not easy to find information Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Please share any additional comments and/or suggestions. Thanks! Done