This survey is being shared by the Southwest Florida Healthcare Coalition pediatric task force in an attempt to determine hospital pediatric gaps or needs within the Southwest Florida region 6.  The individual agency results will not be shared publically and will only be used as a guide for the task force to attempt to close the noted gaps.  We ask for name and agency to help with any duplications.  Please work with any other coalition members within your organization to determine who best to take this survey. Hospitals with multiple facilitles should submit a survey with each emergency department. 

These questions can be used as a guide for the purpose of this survey and  were transcribed from this link:

Question Title

* 1. Please list your name and agency contact information

Question Title

* 2. Administration and Coordination of the ED for the Care of Children

Question Title

* 3. Please check the following policies, procedures, and protocols for the emergency care of children you may have.

Question Title

* 4. Healthcare providers who staff the ED have periodic pediatric-specific competency evaluations for children of all ages. Our areas of pediatric competencies include any/all of the following:

Question Title

* 5. The written all-hazard disaster-preparedness plan addresses pediatric-specific needs within the core domains including:

Question Title

* 6. Guidelines for QI/PI in the ED

Question Title

* 7. Evidence-Based Guidelines

Question Title

* 8. Inter-facility Transfers

Question Title

* 9. Guidelines for Medication, Equipment and Supplies

Question Title

* 10. Guidelines for Improving Pediatric Patient Safety

Question Title

* 11. Medications

Question Title

* 12. Guidelines for ED Support Services

Question Title

* 13. Equipment/Supplies: General Equipment

Question Title

* 14. Equipment/Supplies: General Equipment

Question Title

* 15. Endotracheal Tubes

Question Title

* 16. Feeding Tubes

Question Title

* 17. Laryngoscope Blades

Question Title

* 18. Magill Forceps

Question Title

* 19. Nasopharyngeal Airways

Question Title

* 20. Oropharyngeal Airways

Question Title

* 21. Stylets for endotracheal tubes

Question Title

* 22. Suction Catheters

Question Title

* 23. Rigid Suction Device

Question Title

* 24. Bag-mask device, self-inflating

Question Title

* 25. Non-rebreather masks

Question Title

* 26. Clear Oxygen masks

Question Title

* 27. Masks to fit bag-mask device adaptor

Question Title

* 28. Nasal cannula

Question Title

* 29. Gastric tubes

Question Title

* 30. Arm boards

Question Title

* 31. Catheter-over-the-needle device

Question Title

* 32. Intraosseous needles or device

Question Title

* 33. IV solutions

Question Title

* 34. Extremity splints (including femur splints)

Question Title

* 35. Cervical Collar

Question Title

* 36. Equipment/Supplies: Monitoring Equipment

Question Title

* 37. Difficult airway supplies and/or kit

Question Title

* 38. Newborn delivery kit (including equipment for initial resuscitation of a newborn infant)

Question Title

* 39. Urinary catheterization kits and urinary (indwelling) catheters

Question Title

* 40. Central venous catheters

Question Title

* 41. Chest tubes

Question Title

* 42. Additional Recommendations for High-Volume EDs

Question Title

* 43. Lumbar puncture tray, spinal needles

Question Title

* 44. Noninvasive ventilation

Question Title

* 45. Self-inflating bag-mask device

Question Title

* 46. Tracheostomy tubes

Question Title

* 47. Umbilical vein catheters

Question Title

* 48. Does your agency offer Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)