Hello folks - I am Valerie, I am an advocate living with HIV in Mississippi and a member of PWN USA. I am presenting a workshop at USCHA and would like to bring our stories into this space.

Expressing my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to share your experiences with me. As someone living with HIV, our insights are incredibly valuable to the HOPWA programs.

Your responses can be anonymous and all answers will remain completely confidential , not impact the care or services you receive. Instead, they will empower me to identify our strengths and improvement areas. Your voice matters, and I am committed to making positive changes based on your input. Thank you for being an essential part of this process.

At the end of the survey you can choose to share your information to be entered in a raffle for a $50 gift card.

Question Title

* 1. Please list the city where you live

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* 2. Please list the state where you live

Satisfaction with the Program

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* 3. How did you learn about the HOPWA program?

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* 4. When did you first get on the HOPWA Program ?

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* 5. Are you still on the program or receiving any assistance for people living with HIV ? Please list them these programs if you know them.

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* 6. How long have you been receiving assistance from the HOPWA program?

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* 7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the assistance you have received from this agency or program?

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* 8. What did/do you like most about this program ?

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* 9. How often did/do you received your payments on time ?

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* 10. What do you think we can do to make the program better ?

Case Management/ Housing Advocacy

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* 11. Overall, how satisfied are you with the assistance you have received from Case Managers or staff ?

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* 12. Does your Case Manager respond on time?

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* 13. Does your Case Manager treat you respectfully ?

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* 14. Is your Case Manager easy to talk to ?

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* 15. Overall, how helpful is the assistance you receive from your case manager ?

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* 16. Does your Case Manager address the concerns that your raise when you raise them ?

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* 17. If not, what types of concerns are not addressed.

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* 18. Please enter your name and email if you would like to be entered into our $50 raffle for participants who complete our form- this is optional.