HOME ARP Citizen

To address the need for homelessness assistance, Congress appropriated $5 billion in ARP funds to be administered through HOME to perform four activities that must primarily benefit qualifying individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations.  
HOME ARP approved activities include:

(1) development and support of affordable housing,
(2) tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA),
(3) provision of supportive services; and
(4) acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units.  

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* 1. Do you have a disability or disabling condition?

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* 2. Are you at risk of being homeless due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other circumstances?

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* 3. Please include other  priorities not listed or any comments.

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* 4. Have you experienced any of the following in the past 2 years.

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. Have you ever served on active duty in the US Armed Forces,  Military Reserves, or National Guard?

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* 7. Please rate the necessity of the following projects:

  Very Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Very Unimportant
Assistance with moving cost.
Case Management Services
Education services such as instruction or training in consumer education, health education, substance abuse prevention, literacy, English as a Second Language, and General Development
Employment Assistance and job training.
Supplemental food assistance.
Housing search and counseling services such as tenant counseling, assisting individuals and families to understand leases; securing utilities; and making moving arrangements.
Legal Services for advice and representation in matters that interfere with ability to obtain and retain housing.
Life skills training such as budgeting of resources and money management household management, conflict management, shopping for food and other needed items, nutrition, the use of public transportation, and parent training.
Mental health services such as crisis interventions; counseling ; indivual family, or group therapy sessions; assistance with understanding and / or accessing needed medication; and combinations of therapeutic approaches to address multiple problems.
Outpatient health services such as services to assist individuals in understanding their health needs; accessing appropiate medical treatment and medication; and providing preventative care
Outpatient services including crisis counseling; addressing urgent physical needs, such as providing meals, blankets, clothes, or toiletries; actively connecting and providing people with information and referrals to homeless and mainstream programs; and publicizing the availability of the housing and / or services provided within the geographic area.
Substance abuse treatment services such as participant intake and assessment, out patient treatment, group and individual counseling, and drug testing.
Provision of transportation to and from medical care, employment, childcare, or other services; assistance with care maintenance or repairs
Assistance with utility deposits
Development of affordable housing
Rental Assistance
Acquisition / development of non-congregate units(i.e., emergency shelter provided an individual rooms rather than a traditional homeless shelter)
Tenant based rental assistance
Emergency / Shelter for homeless

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* 8. How many people are in your household, including yourself?

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* 9. Which best describes your living situation?

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* 10. Have you experienced domestic or dating violence?

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* 11. Are you under employed or unemployed?

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* 12. What is the total annual income of your household(before taxes)?

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* 13. What are the barriers to finding good housing in your city that you have experienced or observed?

Thank you for your participation.  The information  within is kept confidential.