Public Comment

The HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME ARP) Program was created under the American
Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This program provides $5 billion to assist individuals or households
who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, by providing housing, rental assistance,
and supportive services. HOME ARP grant funds are administered through HUD’s HOME
Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) that qualified for a
HOME funds allocation for FY 2021, are eligible to receive HOME ARP grants. Because the City of Longview received HOME funds for the FY 2021 program it is eligible for $1,077,488 in HOME-ARP funding. To receive the HOME-ARP allocation, the city must develop a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan that will become part of the City’s PY2021 HUD Annual Action Plan by substantial amendment.
To ensure broad input into the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan from stakeholders and the public, the city shall engage in consultation with stakeholders and the public, including a survey of stakeholders, the public, provide a 15-day public comment period, and host two public hearings.
These funds must primarily benefit qualifying populations through the framework of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. This includes restrictions on eligible activities, match requirements, and limitations on the amount that can be spent on a given activity type. ARP funds carry additional restrictions regarding targeted populations, allowable activities, and consultation requirements. This survey will be one part of the consultation process undertaken by the City of Longview. 

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. Which of these ranges describes you best?

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* 3. Which of these best describes you? 

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* 4. Which best describes the type of organization you are affiliated with? 

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* 5. Describe your involvement with the following qualifying populations:

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* 6. How would you prioritize the need for the following allowable activities?

  Of no importance Of little importance Somewhat important Most important N/A
Tenant Based Rental Assistance
Production and preservation of affordable housing (acquisition, construction, conversion, or rehabilitation of rental housing)
Supportive services, including homeless prevention and housing counseling
Development of non-congregate shelter

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* 7. For your top priority activities, what specific needs do you see in our community? What solutions would you propose? 

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to add as it relates to the HOME-ARP funding?