H-NIP - Faculty Process Evaluation Survey

1.Name of Institution:
2.Name of Faculty
3.Which of the following National HIV Curriculum (NHC) modules have you reviewed? Please circle all responses that apply
4.How well does the NHC align with the overall curriculum offered by your department? Please circle one response only.
5.Please explain the rationale for your response to Question 2.
6.How many students from your program are currently taking NHC modules?
7.How many students from your program do you anticipate will complete the NHC modules during this academic (2018) year?
8.How easy has it been to persuade students to take the NHC modules? Please circle one response only.
9.Please explain the rationale for your response to Question 6.
10.Which of the following Modules has been the most challenging for students? Please circle one response only.
11.Please explain the rationale for your response to Question 8.
12.Which of the following Modules has been the easiest for students? Please circle one response only.
13.Please explain the rationale for your response to Question 10.
14.What assistance have you offered to students to facilitate their performance on the NHC modules?
15.Is there assistance that your students need relative to their performance on the NHC that you are currently unable to provide? Please circle one response only.
16.If yes, please describe below.
17.Is there assistance that you, as a faculty member, need to facilitate the integration of the NHC into your overall program curriculum? Please circle one response only.
18.If yes, please describe below.
19.Please note below any additional comments you have relative to your institution’s participation in HNIP.
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered