We are excited to launch a two-part Stewards Training!

The AFSCME Local 4041 Stewards training is designed to understand the role of a steward in organizing new members, contract enforcement and strengthening the local through membership engagement. After this training, you will feel confident in enforcing your contract and work personnel rules and building a strong union in your workplace. 

In order for you to have a complete experience and gain a complete set of skills you must attend both dates of your choosing . Part 1 Building strength in your workplace through organizing and Part 2 Enforcing our rights through strong representation.

You will have the option between two dates; please choose one:

Question Title

* 1. Part 1: Building Strength in Our workplace Through Organizing

Question Title

* 2. Part 2: Enforcing Our Rights Through Strong Representation

Question Title

* 3. Name

Question Title

* 4. Address

Question Title

* 5. Contact Information

Question Title

* 6. Work Location

Question Title

* 7. Department

Question Title

* 8. Job Title

Question Title

* 9. How long have you been a union member?

Question Title

* 10. Have you ever been a steward before? If so, for how long?

Question Title

* 11. As a steward or member leader, have you ever (please check all that apply) ...

Question Title

* 12. How familiar are you with AFSCME Structure and Leadership?

Question Title

* 13. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being most familiar, how knowledgeable are you with about your union contract?