Sunman Comprehensive Survey

1.Do you reside or own property within Sunman town limits?
2.Do you own or rent your current residence?
3.What are common disadvantages of living within Sunman town limits? (Please check all that apply.)
4.What services/amenities would you like to see in Sunman that you go elsewhere for?
5.Do you have access to broadband internet service at your home?
6.What type of internet access do you have at your home or place of business?
7.How do you rate the following public facilities in Sunman?
Not available
State and local roads
Sidewalks and pedestrian services
Public landscaping
Police protection
Fire protection
Ambulance and health services
Water quality
Electric service
Trash service
Sewer service
Snow removal
Parks and recreation
Services for youth
Services for senior citizens
Cultural and community programs
8.How would you rate the overall quality of commercial properties within the town of Sunman?
9.How would you rate the overall quality of residential properties within the town of Sunman?
10.Are you satisfied with the overall quality of life in Sunman?
11.How would you rate the physical appearance of Sunman's roads and primary points of entry into the community?
12.How important is it for Sunman to attract new businesses?
13.Do you think the town leadership is effectively dealing with local issues and concerns?
14.Would you like to see residential development in the town of Sunman? Check all that apply.
15.Would you like to see commercial development in the town of Sunman? Check all that apply.
16.Select Sunman's top three strengths.
17.Select Sunman's top three weaknesses.
18.What should the Town of Sunman focus on improving?
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered