Brand discovery eSurvey

Thank you for taking the time to help us make Consumers of Mental Health WA even better.
Our survey should only take five minutes to complete, but your input will have a lasting impact on how we move forward and engage with our growing community.

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* 1. How would you say Consumers of Mental Health WA is seen in the broader community?

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* 2. Which service or area of expertise is Consumers of Mental Health WA best known for?

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* 3. Which service is Consumers of Mental Health WA least known for?

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* 4. What should Consumers of Mental Health WA be known for?

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* 5. In one sentence, please tell us what makes Consumers of Mental Health WA different or better than other mental health organisations

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* 6. In one sentence, what one thing could Consumers of Mental Health WA do to improve the way we connect with our members and consumers more generally?

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* 7. Imagine Consumers of Mental Health WA is a person.
Which three words would you use to describe Consumers of Mental Health WA’s character or personality?

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* 8. What do you think of the name Consumers of Mental Health WA or CoMHWA?
Is it effective?  What do you like / dislike about it?

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* 9. “We strengthen and advance the voice, leadership and expertise of people with lived experience of mental health challenges.”
Do you think this is an accurate description of why we are here?

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* 10. “A world where mental health consumers are self-directed, self-empowered, respected and connected to community.”
Do you think this is an accurate description of Consumers of Mental Health WA’s aspirations?

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* 11. Our values are:
•  Kindness  •  Respect  •  Inclusivity  •  Courage  •  Partnership
Are they the right values for Consumers of Mental Health WA? Are any out of place?