Today’s conventional investment strategies were developed in the 20th century and haven’t evolved substantially since then. Our financial markets can no longer grapple adequately with the pressing challenges of our times—such as climate change, income inequality, diversity, and the health of our oceans.

We need a 21st century approach to investment that can systematically address these and similar challenges and that creates value that will last. This book demonstrates how finance can make that transition. It tells the story of a what, why, and how of investments that intentionally support the social, economic, and environmental systems so crucial to our survival in the years to come.

William Burckart, Steve Lydenberg, and Jessica Ziegler provide a guide for investors—both concerned individuals and financial professionals as well as investment advisors—explaining why this investment approach is critical today and how it can be put into practice. It advocates for a system-level approach to investing, in which investors craft portfolios and related activities that positively impact those whole systems upon which they ultimately depend.

For example, a portfolio addressing climate change might include investments in companies advancing solar power, wind power, battery storage, energy efficiency, sustainable forests, regenerative agriculture, and the like, along with related activities that seek to influence corporate behavior and public policy. This system-level approach strengthens the foundations upon which long-term investment returns are based.

The authors have pioneered this approach through their work at The Investment Integration Project (TIIP). They explore how today’s investment practices can undercut and destabilize the very systems that investors rely upon for long-term wealth creation. And they equip investors with the tools to minimize systemic risks and maximize potential rewards through this investment approach.

Question Title

* 1. How effective are each of the following MAIN TITLE IDEAS? (Please rate each title idea.)

  Very Effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
System-Focused Investing
Whole-System Investing
Long-Term Investment for Long-Term Gains
Investing in Systems Change
Investing to Save the World
21st Century Investing
System-Level Investing
Investing in Systems

Question Title

* 2. Which main title idea do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 3. How effective are each of the following SUBTITLE IDEAS?  (Please rate each subtitle idea.)

  Very effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
How System-Level Investing Can Change the World
Growing Systemic Risks Require a New Way of Investing
Bringing the Financial Markets into the 21st Century
The World Is Changing and So Is the Future of Finance
How to Address the Major Challenges of Our Times
Investing for Long-Term Global Stability and Returns
Reshaping Finance to Thrive in an Unstable World
Powerful New Tools for Addressing Social, Economic, and Environmental Needs

Question Title

* 4. Which subtitle idea do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 5. Please suggest any other main title ideas or subtitle ideas that you have.

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following describe you?  Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. What is your first and last name? (If you don't wish to provide your name, then just type in your initials.)

Thanks so much for your help!