About the program

The CGBG Advanced Training Scholarship Program was designed to incentivize advanced training across the building industry in Colorado.
By increasing the skills and certifications of our local building professionals we can help increase the resilience of our communities, reduce embodied and operational carbon impacts of the built environment, improve the air quality, health, and comfort of buildings.
Visit our FAQ page at for further information.

How does it work?

Individuals apply for funding toward a specified training program through our online application, which is reviewed quarterly. Applicants indicate the amount of funding requested (between 5% and 90% of program costs). If awarded, CGBG provides funds directly to the training affiliate and issues a discount code to reduce the training cost by the awarded amount. Applicants must register and pay the remaining balance within 30 days. The scholarship does not cover travel, board, or costs for training already completed, and reimbursement is not available for programs already paid for. Postponements or opting out allow for future reapplication.

Who can apply?

All individuals who live and/or work in Colorado and actively work in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industries. This program is for individuals of any age, level of education, professional experience, etc.

What kind of programs qualify?

Training programs can take many forms, but must fit within the general mission of the Colorado Green Building Guild to lower the embodied and operational carbon impact of the built environment. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to:

natural material construction techniques
thermal insulation and advanced building assemblies
air tightness and moisture management
construction detailing and sequencing for high performance structures
efficient heating, cooling, and domestic hot water
mechanical ventilation and heat recovery
methods for energy retrofits of existing buildings
advanced energy modeling techniques

The training program must also be well suited to the applicants professional role and level of experience to be approved for funding.

How do you evaluate applications?

All applications are reviewed by a subcommittee made up of CGBG Board Members. Prior to review, personal and identifying information is removed from the applications including name and company information. The committee determines whether or not the application meets the mission and intent of the program, and if the training is well suited to the applicant’s professional role and experience level. From there the committee makes a recommendation for how much funding, if any, should be granted. Regardless of whether an application has been approved or denied, the board will contact the applicant via email. Applications can be denied for any reason without providing cause.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information: 
Note: The following contact information is removed during the application review process and can only be accessed by the CGBG Board of Directors for the purposes of processing the application. If you have any questions about how this data is managed, please email

Question Title

* 2. Where do you live?

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* 3. Gender: How do you identify?

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* 4. Age: How old are you?

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* 5. What best describes your level of education?

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* 6. Are you a member of CGBG?