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Every year, ParentsCanada conducts an annual survey so we can better understand what's happening in the world of parenting.

We know your time is valuable. Providing us with your opinions is a relationship we trust; we don’t take it for granted. Each entry is eligible to win a $200 Amazon gift card.

And we will share the overall results with you!

Thank you for your time and your opinion!

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. City

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* 4. Gender Identity

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* 5. Do you consider yourself to be part of a minority group?

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* 6. Which of the following categories best describes you? Select all that apply.

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* 8. What are the ages of the children in your care? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. What is your current relationship status?

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* 10. What is your annual household income?

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* 11. What do you consider the most challenging aspect of being a parent?


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* 12. Which best describes your current employment status?

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* 13. If applicable, what best describes your partner’s current employment status?

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* 14. What best describes your mentality around combining career and parenthood? (select all that apply).


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* 15. Do you have a family doctor?

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* 16. Do you have access to mental health services like talking to someone, figuring out what's going on, getting help in a hospital or outside of it, or joining a group for support?

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* 17. How would you rate your current mental health as a parent/caregiver on a scale of 1-10, 1 being poor mental health and 10 being excellent mental health?

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* 18. Have you experienced loneliness or isolation as a parent/caregiver?

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* 19. Have you sought professional help for your own mental health in the past year?

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* 20. Have you sought professional help for your children’s mental health in the past year?

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* 21. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being low anxiety and 10 being high anxiety, how is your anxiety or stress levels on average as it relates to parenting?

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* 22. Has your marriage or partnership been impacted by the stress of parenting?

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* 23. If applicable, do you find parenting easier or harder compared to parenting pre-pandemic?

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* 24. Do you think parenting is harder now than when you were raised?

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* 25. How safe do you feel raising your children in Canada?

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* 26. When you have a question pertaining to you or your family’s health and wellbeing, where do you turn for research/information? Pick as many that apply.


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* 27. Have you experienced any financial concerns related to parenting in Canada? If yes, choose all of the reasons that apply.

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* 28. How has inflation impacted your household budget and your ability to provide for your family?

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* 29. Do you have access to affordable and quality childcare?


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* 30. How is the cooking shared in your household?

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* 31. What best describes the main way you or your partner provide meals for your family? (Think 60-75% of the time)

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* 32. What do you look for most in new recipes to try? (Other than deliciousness!) Rank in order of importance.

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* 33. When you use recipes, what types of foods are you looking for?


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* 34. Why type of parenting content do you seek out most often? Select all that apply.

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* 35. What resources would you like to see on our site? Rank them in order or preference with 1 being the most helpful

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* 36. Do you trust the products that we showcase on our website/newsletter/social channels?

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* 37. What types of prize giveaways would you like us to do?

Please consider the last few big purchases you've made for your child or your family when answering the following questions:

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* 38. Where did you source information to help you make the right purchase? Please choose all that apply.

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* 39. What was the deciding factor when finally making the purchase?

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* 40. Where do you and/or your partner do most of your shopping for brands for your kids (excluding food)? I.g. strollers, baby bottles, toys.

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* 41. Survey entrants consent to a subscription to The Weekly, ParentsCanada’s weekly newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the newsletter.