Welcome and introduction

With the distribution of the Draft Working Report of the Nebraska Commission of 150 Subcommittees, this collaborative and inclusive process is at an important point that requires your feedback.   The survey below should take about 20 minutes to complete and the results will guide the Commission as it revises and finalizes the N|150 plan.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln engaged Academic Leadership Associates, LLC (ALA) to facilitate the N|150 process.  All responses to the survey below will be returned directly to us at ALA and results will be provided to the Nebraska Commission of 150.  However, no individual data will be disclosed and no responses will be attributed to any individual respondent.

We appreciate your willingness to complete this survey.  Your responses, combined with those of your colleagues, will help the Commission assess the Draft Working Report and identify any changes that need to be made. 

Thank you,

Mike Diamond, Senior Partner

Mark Robison, Managing Partner