Deadline to submit is January 30, 2025 and awards will be announced April 2025

The UCAR President’s Advisory Committee on University Relations (PACUR) has established a community engagement fund, funded by the UCAR President's Office, with the goal of building and extending the UCAR Earth system science community of researchers, faculty, teachers, students of all levels, and the general public community members.

The PCEF fund will meet this goal by supporting activities hosted by UCAR university members, in collaboration with partnering entities, that aim to achieve one or more of the following:

  • Enhance instruction relating to UCAR science at all education levels
  • Improve the dissemination of UCAR research to policy makers and the public
  • Champion the diversity of participants in UCAR research by supporting the success of people from historically underrepresented groups
  • Apply UCAR science to address the needs of historically underserved communities
  • Build community capacity for interdisciplinary, convergent, and use-oriented research
Lead Institution

Question Title

* 1. Name of primary applicant (first and last name)

Question Title

* 2. Email of primary applicant

Question Title

* 3. Brief state for how the entity will contribute to/participate in the proposed activity.

Question Title

* 4. Please upload a two page CV for the primary applicant.

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Partnering Entities

Question Title

* 5. Name of lead partnering person (first and last name)

Question Title

* 6. Email of partnering person

Question Title

* 7. Brief statement for how this entity will contribute to/participate in the proposed activity.

Question Title

* 8. Please upload a two page CV for the partnering person.

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UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR participant

Question Title

* 9. Name of UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR participant (first and last name)

Question Title

* 10. Email for staff participant

Question Title

* 11. Brief statement for how this person will participate in the proposed activity.

Question Title

* 12. Did you take advantage of the opportunity to send in a pre-submittal for PACUR's review and feedback in the October through November pre-submit window?

Question Title

* 13. Please acknowledge that you have read and understand how the proposals will be evaluated as outlined on the PCEF website and below.


  • Is the lead entity a UCAR Member university?
  • Does the activity include participation from a UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR staff person?
  • Does the activity include collaboration from a partnering entity?
  • Can the activity be completed by August 1, 2026?
  • Is the activity a new activity, or does it substantially supplement an existing activity?
How well...
  • does the proposed activity build relationships and engagement while also contributing to diversity, equity, and inclusion, within and beyond the UCAR community?
  • does the proposal describe specific outcomes that will benefit the UCAR community and beyond?
  • doe the list of all entities and organizations that will be invited to participate in the activity support the goals of the proposed activity and objectives of the PCEF?
  • does the budget describe the costs associated with the activity, and are these costs a reasonable use of the PCEF funds?
  • does the plan to disseminate the outcomes of the activity to the UCAR community and beyond?
How well will the proposed activity achieve at least one of the objectives outlined below?
  • Enhance instruction relating to UCAR science at all education levels
  • Improve the dissemination of UCAR research to policy makers and the public
  • Champion the diversity of participants in UCAR research by supporting the success of people from historically underrepresented groups
  • Apply UCAR science to address the needs of historically underserved communities
  • Build community capacity for interdisciplinary, convergent, and use-oriented research

Question Title

* 14. Attach the Project Description (in one file) that includes the following:

  • Title
  • Summary
  • How will the proposed activity build relationships and engagement, while also contributing to diversity, equity, and inclusion, within and beyond the UCAR community?
  • A statement of specific outcomes that will benefit the UCAR community and beyond.
  • A list of all entities and organizations that will be invited to participate in the activity.
  • A detailed budget, including contributions from any co-sponsors. The budget should include a proposed schedule of payment of funds over the life of the award (amount and date at the execution of the award, midway point, and end) and should contain line items explaining costs of the activity. For example: room rental, catering, travel, speaker fees, indirect rate, etc.
  • Plan to disseminate the outcomes of the activity to the UCAR community and beyond.

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Question Title

* 15. Does the applicant agree to provide a final report to PACUR and a two page summary report that will be posted on the UCAR PACUR website?